Apart from music, there are really only a handful of things I enjoy. One of those things is food. So much so that I got a stomach rocker tattoo (That's a tattoo that goes across your stomach) that says "HUNGRY". No kidding, here's a picture...
Now, while the tattoo means a handful of things and I find it very entertaining, it did bring about an awesome idea!
I decided to start blogging about all of the amazing restaurants (and not so amazing ones) I have the good fortune of trying.
With that though, you know me, I dare to be different. Because of that I'll be doing a rating system for the places I try/review.
The rating system is H-U-N-G-R-Y.
H - U = It was not a good time
N - G = Okay, not worth recommending, but might eat again one day
R - Y = This should probably be your next outing
Easy peasy right? I'm super excited to share my food adventures with you, and maybe even take your recommendations!
One last thing: I know keeping up with posts can be a pain if they're not right in front of you, so I've started an Instagram page. The page name is [at]hungrytattooguy or simply click the name there and it'll take you to the page to follow. From there you'll be able to see when a new post is up and check it out!
Hope you enjoy, and Stay Hungry.